Friday, February 15, 2008

The Day Before

Tomorrow morning at 7:00 AM, it will begin. Ashley and I will stay awake for 72 hours straight. It'll be hard, that's for sure, but I'm still looking forward to it. It's always fun to test your willpower with various things. That, and Ashley and I have been sort of planning this for a while, so we've stocked up on food to snack on. Mmm... so yummy. The first night shouldn't be too difficult, the second night will be hard, but it's still something we've both gone through before. I don't really want to think about how hard it will be the third night. At that point I'll probably have completely lost my mind and be tripping over myself when I try to walk.

So, since that should be hilarious to watch, we're planning on making videos throughout this whole adventure. I don't know if there'll necessarily be a set schedule of updates, but there'll be updates for sure. We'll post videos, and you'll get to see the progression of our madness and tiredness. Yay! Good times.

Tomorrow... the fun begins.


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